Apr 8, 2022 | Microsoft Corporate Blogs The courage deficit: fighting inequalities with activism, technology and policy
Dec 3, 2021 | Microsoft Corporate Blogs Slow down to speed up: Harnessing the power of exponential tech
Oct 12, 2021 | Ralph Haupter, President, EMEA at Microsoft and Casper Klynge, VP, European Government Affairs at Microsoft As data-led businesses boom, is Europe ready?
Jul 29, 2021 | Microsoft Corporate Blogs Artificial Intelligence: the electricity of the 21st century or a thriller for humanity?
Jul 22, 2021 | Alexa Joyce - Director Future-Ready Skills, EMEA Skilling the Future Workforce: How technology empowers higher-education students to succeed
Jun 15, 2021 | Fred Humphries, Corporate Vice President of U.S. Government Affairs and Casper Klynge, Vice President of European Government Affairs Stronger Together: The Case for a Transatlantic Technology Alliance