Mar 2, 2014 | Frank X. Shaw - Chief Communications Officer, Microsoft Teams, customers and the cloud that connects them
Feb 28, 2014 Weekend Reading: February 28th Edition — Microsoft’s 24-hour idea factory, and Windows Azure and Dynamics win a spot on the podium
Feb 25, 2014 Windows Azure, Microsoft Dynamics and Enterprise Services earn a place on the podium at the Winter Games
Feb 21, 2014 Weekend Reading: Feb. 21st Edition — Your personal cloud is now OneDrive, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM to add marketing capabilities
Jan 24, 2014 Weekend Reading: Jan. 24th Edition – Kinect for Windows is helping stroke victims, Microsoft’s datacenter project will use fuel cells and Zippo chooses Microsoft Dynamics AX
Jan 10, 2014 Weekend Reading: Jan. 10th Edition – New Windows devices unveiled at CES 2014 and Xbox One sales hit 3M consoles sold