Mobile coupons are on the rise


The Microsoft Tag team are a great source of infographics – but not just groovy visuals for the sake of it. A while ago I posted their mobile ecommerce infographic and more recently they published a related mobile coupons infographic that you see above.

I’m an increasingly big user of coupons here in Seattle but have yet to really start using them in a mobile way. It’s interesting to see the usage in Japan and the UK and I was surprised at the preference for 2D barcodes over SMS for mobile coupons.

As our physical and digital worlds continue to blur, I expect to see the predicted rises on mobile couponing shown here – though I can’t help thinking this whole space is ripe for some real creativity that may see those numbers leap. I’ve just switched on the location featurs of Groupon on my Windows Phone that should see me receive alerts on deals near to my current locaiton – so lets see if the long told promise of that really works.