As the world reaches the next stage in our collective fight against Covid-19 with the availability of vaccines, we’ve thrown in our support by mobilizing our AI for Health data science team, in collaboration with Dr. Ashish K. Jha at Brown School of Public Health, in the development of a comprehensive Covid-19 vaccine dashboard. This new dashboard tracks the distribution and administration of Covid-19 vaccines worldwide, in each U.S. state, and toward the federal goal of 100M vaccine doses in 100 days.
Given the complexity of vaccination distribution and administration, the dashboard is a tool for policymakers and community leaders, as well as the public, to view progress around vaccine rollout, deploy resources where needed and effectively advocate for constituents.
The dashboard provides users with comprehensive details in six core areas, including:
- Overall vaccine distribution worldwide and at a U.S./state level
- Progress of vaccinations toward the U.S. federal goal
- State-by-state view of vaccination progress in the U.S. and worldwide
- How many people have been fully vaccinated across the U.S.
- Percentage of doses administered (relative to state or country population)
- A cumulative look at distributed doses versus administered doses
“There is a great urgency to vaccinate people quickly, to save lives and build resilience against new variants and eventually end the pandemic. But, unless we are tracking vaccinations closely, we can’t understand if we are making progress and why some states and countries are doing so much better at getting shots into arms than others,” says Dr. Jha, Dean of the Brown School of Public Health. “The new dashboard is also unique in that it shows U.S. data on vaccination distribution alongside data on cases, hospitalizations and deaths. This allows us to see how vaccination progress compares to the size of the outbreak in each state.”
The dashboard’s standardized look at vaccination progress can be explored, synced, saved and shared openly. The dashboard pulls from publicly available data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and university partners, including Brown University School of Public Health, to gather state-level figures on how vaccinations are progressing. Globally, the vaccination data is pulled from Our World in Data. This work builds on other dashboards we’ve created for Covid-19 cases, infection rates, hospitalizations and deaths.
As we continue in our commitment to support and participate in efforts to combat Covid-19, our Microsoft AI for Health team will continue to invest and produce visualizations, alongside global health organizations and experts to ensure accuracy of the information included.