Today in Technology: The top 10 tech issues for 2019

Collage of 10 photos on tech trends

By Brad Smith and Carol Ann Browne

This past year we’ve addressed some of history’s most important innovations in our Today in Technology blog and video series. Our focus is always on what we can learn from the past and apply to today’s issues.

Today we look back at more recent history – the past 12 months, to be exact. It was a momentous year for technology, with the phrase “Techlash” commonly used to refer not just to one but several issues which gave the public pause about the role of technology and the tech sector in people’s lives. As the calendar turns to 2019, we consider what the last year will likely mean to what will surely be an important new year. Here’s our list of 10 developments to think about.

1. PRIVACY: Privacy protection deepens in Europe and spreads to the United States

2. DISINFORMATION: The controversy roils social media

3. PROTECTIONISM IN THE PACIFIC: Tech comes between the United States and China

4. DIGITAL DIPLOMACY: Multi-stakeholder efforts start addressing cyberattacks

5. ETHICS CHALLENGES FOR AI: New controversies abound amidst employee activism

6. AI AND THE ECONOMY: Concerns spread about AI and jobs

7. THE PEOPLE SIDE OF TECHNOLOGY: Immigration and diversity remain front and center

8. RURAL BROADBAND: Some progress amidst problems

9. SOVEREIGNTY, HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE CLOUD: Protecting people in a data-driven world

10. TECH GROWTH AND COMMUNITIES: What’s good for tech companies can challenge a community

Read our full analysis here:

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