Trade agreements are part of a broad strategy to expand opportunity, adjust to competition, and demonstrate leadership in innovation. All of which should result in better jobs and growth for our country.
The Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 introduced today is an important step forward. We hope it paves the way for rapid action in Congress.
Technology is driving economic growth at home and abroad, global competition is fierce, and digital protectionism in on the rise. The IT industry depends on the rule of law, transparency and due process, intellectual property rights protection, and non-discriminatory policies at home and abroad.
Passage of renewed TPA, with its updated objectives for digital trade, is critical for America to be able to pursue its interests. And passage is important for Microsoft and our network of more than 400,000 partners, the majority of which are small businesses, to compete in the global economy. Our goal is to make technology more affordable, relevant, and accessible for the five billion people around the world who do not yet enjoy its benefits.
Passage of Trade Promotion Authority will ensure that America pursues high-standard, 21st century trade agreements going forward. Microsoft applauds the leadership of Senators Orrin Hatch and Ron Wyden and Congressman Paul Ryan and looks forward to working with Congress and the executive branch on passage of TPA.