Right Now at Microsoft

Our recruitment team recently launched a new site – Right Now at Microsoft. I’m a fan of the site already as it showcases the work and the people at Microsoft and how has a little “change the world” spirit about it. The opening video (above) contains a few guys I met over the last year who are in that category – Andrew and Carl are two of the humblest guys I know but wow, they crank out some cool stuff. Carl on Xbox and Andrew on….well, stuff I can’t tell you about right now.

But here is Andrew talking about Xbox. I remember sitting in a bar with him last year getting the full story and it’s one of the best stories I’ve heard – he and a rag tag bunch of dudes with a dream to build a game console. Ten years later, it’s the market leader.


And here’s another of my favorite MSFT dudes – Albert Shum of Windows Phone fame talking Natural User Interfaces.


The launch of the site was accompanied by some street activations in London, Seattle and San Francisco so look out for them and in the meantime, take a look at the site and the conversation going on there.