Aug 1, 2014 | Aimee Riordan - Microsoft News Center Staff Weekend Reading: Aug. 1st Edition — Hackathon heats up //oneweek, a new Microsoft board member, Imagine Cup finalists compete in Seattle
Jul 31, 2014 | Tima Chansanchai - Microsoft News Center Staff Hands-on games judging at Imagine Cup World Finals gives competitors advice and encouragement
Jul 28, 2014 | Aimee Riordan - Microsoft News Center Staff For Imagine Cup finalists, Code is the common language
Jul 25, 2014 | Tima Chansanchai - Microsoft News Center Staff Weekend Reading: July 25th Edition—Exploring Station Q, a hub for next-level computing research
Jan 31, 2014 Weekend Reading: Jan. 31st Edition—Get ready for Sunday’s big game with apps, videos and Bing searches
Jul 12, 2013 Weekend Reading: July 12th Edition—Worldwide Partner Conference focuses on cloud solutions and Windows 8