Oct 13, 2015 | Takeshi Numoto - Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Upgrade your way to a modern data platform – End of support for SQL Server 2005 less than 6 months away
Sep 8, 2015 | Takeshi Numoto - Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Microsoft acquires Adallom to advance identity and security in the cloud
Jun 5, 2015 | Takeshi Numoto - Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Microsoft is gaining ground in the cloud with global expansion
Feb 3, 2015 | Takeshi Numoto - Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer For customers still using Windows Server 2003, now is the time to migrate
Nov 13, 2014 | Takeshi Numoto - Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Microsoft acquires Aorato to give enterprise customers better defense against digital intruders in a hybrid cloud world
Jul 11, 2014 | Takeshi Numoto - Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Microsoft acquires InMage: Better business continuity with Azure
Jun 5, 2014 | Takeshi Numoto - Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Microsoft Azure now generally available in Brazil South region
May 19, 2014 | Takeshi Numoto - Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Connecting Microsoft’s mobile and cloud solutions to the universe of data in SAP software
Mar 26, 2014 | Takeshi Numoto - Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Microsoft becomes the first global public cloud provider in China with the general availability of Microsoft Azure in the region