The newest addition to the Lumia line of Windows Phone devices, the Lumia 535, comes with a 5-inch screen, 5-megapixel front-facing wide-angle camera, 5-megapixel rear camera and integration with Microsoft experiences such as Skype and OneNote.

Lumia 535 is available as a 3G Single SIM, or 3G Smart Dual SIM, both loaded with Windows Phone 8.1 and the Lumia Denim Update right out of the box. Features include one-swipe Action Center, Word Flow, Live Folders and Cortana (where available).
A 1.2 GHz quad-core processor powers the Lumia 535, which includes 1GB RAM and 8GB of memory. If you need more, slide in a microSD card, with support up to 128GB, or use 15GB of free OneDrive storage to store your photos or documents.
And on the outside, it’s just as appealing. You have an array of color choices with the Lumia 535: cyan, bright green, bright orange, white, dark grey and black. Pricing for Lumia 535 and Lumia 535 Dual SIM will vary by market and operator, but is estimated to be around 110 EUR before taxes and subsidies.
Find out more about the Lumia 535 in the hands-on video above and on Lumia Conversations.
Athima Chansanchai
Microsoft News Center Staff