Meet Steven Bathiche (StevieB) and Surface 2.0 with PixelSense. For those who have seen Surface 1.0, Stevie was the guy behind that product (along with Andy Wilson) and with 2.0 he has been able to realize the dream of Surface with an impressive new technology called PixelSense. To you and I, that means each RGB trio of pixels on this LCD panel is joined by a fourth pixel – one that can “see”. It’s hard to explain how cool this technology is but the video takes a good shot at it.
The result is a product that is significantly thinner with a beautiful 40” Samsung panel sat beneath the largest slab of Gorilla glass on any device right now.
I have a longer profile coming up soon on Stevie and his work as he’s a real magician who has a great way of making the impossible sound plausible and then showing you how he’s making it possible.