Carbon for Windows Phone: at last!

It’s been a long time coming but Carbon for Windows Phone is now available. I’ve been using it for a while now thanks to Moe and it’s the slickest of all the Twitter clients I’ve used. It makes great use of Live Tiles, it’s fast and it has a great metro look. It also has multi account support, read later and inline images..and the developers promise push notifications very soon. Oh and threaded direct messages is a welcome feature too.

Well worth the $1.99 IMHO…grab it from the marketplace and expect an updated on Feb 15th to v1.2 with these features/fixes

  • v.1.1 added new features to the timelines such as Inline Full Image Previews that slowed timeline scrolling a bit, fret not, they smoothened it out quickly and v.1.2 will have it all fixed and buttery smooth again.
  • Trial Mode, with v.1.2 will have Trial Mode enabled so that users can try the app before buying
  • A few new features and one more new cool gesture that goes nicely with the double-tap quick reply.
  • Performance tuning and improvements and fixes


Congrats to the Carbon team!