RECAP — Columbia Business School Social Enterprise Conference #ColumbiaSEConf

| MSNY Staff


Last week, we were honored to join Columbia University for their Social Enterprise Conference. The conference, hosted by the Social Enterprise Club (a chapter of Net Impact), Green Business Club, and Columbia Business School’s Tamer Center for Social Enterprise, is an annual event — this year, the conference focused on social innovation, urbanization, and urban change.

As an additional honor, we were excited to support our very own John Paul Farmer as he keynoted the conference alongside Andrew Salkin, CEO of 100 Resilient Cities. Individually — and then together in a fireside chat — the two discussed the importance of innovation and technology in today’s cities. Watch their keynotes here.

Thank you to all who joined us at Social Enterprise Conference! We’re inspired by each guest speaker and attendee to help make cities better. Miss out on the conference? We’ve gathered some of the top tweets from the event — see below:

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