We believe that every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science. As our world becomes more enveloped in technology, there’s no doubt that STEM education is a necessity for all. This fall, New York City took a stand for STEM education, as Mayor Bill de Blasio announced computer science classes for all in New York Public Schools.
As it stands, however, only 27 states currently have set standards including computer science in graduation requirements. That’s why Computer Science Education Week (December 7 — 13) is so important to us. We want to help bring technology to the forefront of education, and that starts with one simple lesson.
This year, we’re asking you to make CSEdWeek a priority with us. Join us for an Hour of Code, supporting local legislation to promote computer science education in all schools, and by teaching an Hour of Code yourself.
Looking for more coding opportunities? Find more coding tools and resources for students, parents, and educators at microsoft.com/hourofcode.