Microsoft NY’s Not-To-Miss Events at Internet Week

| MSNY Staff

logo_IWNY_2It’s here! Happy Internet Week. With a wonderful kickoff to the week, including David Rothschild, Economist at Microsoft Research giving a talk on disrupting market research, we’ve gathered some of the best events you don’t want to miss.

Here are our top picks:

#STAY CALM AND DRONE ON – A Featured Session on the Future of Drones
May 21, 11am—11:25am
Metropolitan Pavilion | Internet Week HQ | 125 West 18th Street | New York

From delivering burritos to government surveillance – everyone is droning about drones. In a session co-curated by The Startup Policy Lab, Lisa Ellman, TEDx & SXSW speaker, co-chair of McKenna Long & Aldridge’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Practice Group and formerly of the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy. Lisa will discuss future federal drone policy, the Hollywood drone industry, and if the future really includes “a license to drone.”

Doing Good through Technology: Code for America and the Detroit Water Project
May 21, 11:30am – 11:55am
Metropolitan Pavilion | USA TODAY Theater | 125 West 18th Street | New York

Have you ever wondered why it is the world of venture funded Internet startups spends all its time talking about “changing the world” yet still seems to primarily produce new ways to share photos and videos? If you really want to make an impact, there’s so many more ways that you can do it besides just building a startup. Join Lane Becker, Talent Director at Code for America, and Tiffani Bell, Executive Director of the Detroit Water Project and former Code for America fellow, as they talk about the ways that they’re using technology at their non-profit organizations to genuinely improve the world.

Internet: Supply and Demand
May 21, 2:00pm – 2:25pm
Metropolitan Pavilion | Internet Week HQ | 125 West 18th Street | New York

Internet service is the water and electricity of the 21st century, yet more than a third of low-income households are without a connection and the rest of the city pays high prices for slow speeds. We’ll discuss how New York can achieve the Mayor’s goal of universal access to high speed, affordable broadband.

Gale Brewer, Manhattan Borough President, The City of New York
Tony Marx, President, The New York Public Library
Maya Wiley, Counsel to the Mayor, The City of New York

Moderator: Susan Crawford, Author, Captive Audience

Missing out on Internet Week? Follow along on twitter using @InternetWeek and #iwny.

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