February brings with it plenty of snow, but more importantly, plenty of events to keep the wheels of civic tech turning. As always, let us know if we’ve missed any great NYC civic tech events.
February 3: February 2015 NY Tech Meetup
February 4, 11: BetaNYC presents a Civic Hacknight in Manhattan
February 7: Hacks and Hackers partners with NYPL Labs for a civic data hackathon
February 9: A Conversation with mySociety’s Tom Steinberg at Civic Hall
February 11: Leading figures from government, philanthropy, business, and the tech world come together for #NetGain to launch a major new partnership, explore shared principles, and get ambitious about the next generation of innovation for social change and progress.
February 21—22: #CodeAcross NYC 2015 — NYC’s open data & civic technology festival!
February 25: Civic Hacknight in Queens with C4Q