Microsoft Top Picks: 9 Not-to-Miss Events This Week

| MSNE Staff

Events 11-16 (2)

With only a week before the holiday season kicks off in full speed, we’re keeping on track with the top events in our community. Here are our top picks for events you don’t want to miss this week:

14447448731) UX Fair — a World Usability Day Event
Monday, November 16, 2pm — 6:30pm
Microsoft New England R&D Center | 1 Memorial Drive | Cambridge
Twitter: @uxpaboston

Welcome to the second annual UX Fair, an afternoon jam-packed with UX goodness.

This event is targeted at students, career changers, job seekers, recruiters, potential employers, and anyone who works or wants to work with UX professionals, including project managers, developers, marketers, and tech or design managers.

1f8QiNbN_400x4002) Interaction Design Foundation Boston/Wakefield Mash-Up Monthly
Tuesday, November 17, 6:30pm — 9pm
Microsoft New England R&D Center | 1 Memorial Drive | Cambridge
Twitter: @interacting

The Interaction Design Foundation – the IDF – is a ten year old transformative non-profit enterprise focused on educating, informing and stimulating the global design community. IDF -Boston and IDF-Wakefieild are local chapters that get together on a monthly basis focusing on providing providing stimulating  but fun discussions, insightful information, and face-to-face networking opportunities.

Screen Shot 2015-11-15 at 8.56.58 PM3) Boston Python November Presentation Night
Tuesday, November 17, 6:30pm — 9pm
Microsoft New England R&D Center | 1 Memorial Drive | Cambridge
Twitter: @bostonpython

Boston Python presentation nights are a chance for Python developers to explore new topics in depth. Members or outside experts prepare presentations at a variety of levels, on any number of Python-related topics. By giving Python developers a chance to expand and hone their skills, Boston Python is enriching and strengthening the Python community.

Screen Shot 2015-11-15 at 8.55.21 PM4) Light The Night Awards Party
Wednesday, November 18, 6pm — 8pm
Microsoft New England R&D Center | 1 Memorial Drive | Cambridge
Twitter: @MALightTheNight

The Light The Night Awards party is a chance for the event’s top fundraisers, sponsors, LLS-funded researchers, cancer specialists, cancer survivors and others affected by blood cancers to come together to celebrate on their accomplishments.  It’s an evening reception (business casual) that is followed with a short program that has both mission and executive speakers and uses the techonological capabilities of the room to recap the season.   It’s additionally one of the ways we, at LLS, can say thank you for everyone’s hard work on this years walk, which is estimated to raise $1.2M to put toward our mission of new cures and treatments for blood cancers and aid to patients and their families.

roxbury-inno5) Learn Lab Workshops: Website Design
Friday, November 20, 2pm — 3pm
Roxbury Innovation Center | 2300 Washington Street, 2nd Floor | Boston
Twitter: @RoxburyInno

Crash course demonstration specifically targeted for small businesses. Introduction to web design methods.

The Learn Lab Workshops are a partnership between the Venture Café Foundation and Microsoft This series of workshops at the Roxbury Innovation Center are designed to help innovators develop technology skills to achieve their goals. Workshops will span a wide range of topics from how to build apps to email productivity, from spreadsheet and presentation skills to special tools for learning in the classroom

MES15 logo6) Media Education Summit 2015
Friday, November 20 — Sunday, November 21
Emerson College | 180 Tremont St | Boston
Twitter: @CEMPBU | 

The 8th Media Education Summit brings together a global network of media educators, scholars and researchers to share research, pedagogy and innovation on all aspects of media education and media in education.

14461145697) Boston Code Camp 24
Saturday, November 21, 8am — 6pm
Microsoft New England R&D Center | 1 Memorial Drive | Cambridge
Twitter: @BostonCodeCamp

Code Camp is a one day mini-conference. Code Camp brings regional computing professionals together for the opportunity to immerse themselves in seminars, presentations, group exploration, and networking. Participants will be able to engage in their preferred technology, as well as to sample other options, with a focus on extending information exchange and enhancing the cross pollination of ideas.

9b0c04762bda29bbd2ef09a49e7c4cf1_400x4008) #HackWinter 2015
Saturday, November 21, 10am — 5pm
Microsoft New England | 255 Main Street | Cambridge
Twitter: @CodeForBoston

#HackWinter 2015 is a three-and-a-half week app challenge focusing on winter-specific apps that can help our community in the focus areas of Transit, Infrastructure, and Community. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be reaching out to Public Works Departments in the Greater Boston Area as well as community groups, public health agencies, and more to serve as problem owners for the challenge.

1f1c59e8dff3a38b306745d8fc652b70_400x4009) America SCORES Boston Poets’ Banquet
Saturday, November 21, 3pm — 6pm
Microsoft New England R&D Center | 1 Memorial Drive | Cambridge
Twitter: @SCORESBoston

America SCORES Boston is a non-profit organization that serves over 1400 Boston Public School students by providing soccer and literacy based programming to students grades 3-8 in an afterschool setting through poetry and service learning workshops and organized soccer.

Elementary poetry teachers nominate a boy and girl from their school to audition for the America SCORES National Poetry Slam.  The Poet’s Banquet is a celebration of their hard work and also an opportunity for every nominee (28) to audition in front of their friends, family, board members, and fellow nominees.  At  the end of the Banquet one boy and one girl will be chosen to represent Boston at the National Poetry Slam with an all expense paid trip to New York City.


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