Microsoft New England Picks: 3 Not-To-Miss Events This Week

| MSNE Staff

Microsoft New England Picks: 3 Not-To-Miss Events This Week

The work week is back in full swing and we’re itching for August to show up. While our team is out and about welcoming Australian delegates into our community, we’ve gathered three tech events you don’t want to miss this week:

Boston TechBreakfast

1) Boston TechBreakfast
Tuesday, July 14, 8am – 10am
Microsoft New England R&D Center | 1 Memorial Drive | Cambridge
Twitter: @techbreakfast

Based on the popular TechBreakfast format, the Boston TechBreakfast is a “show and tell” format event where up to five different technologists will demo their technologies from a wide range of industries ranging from software to hardware, IT to Biotech, robotics to space tech. The event is “triple agnostic”. We don’t care if the technology is from a start up, a large company, a university, a government agency, or someone’s hobby. We are also agnostic as to the industry of the tech – it could be IT, biotech, robotics, aerospace, materials sciences, anything tech and innovative is cool. And we’re also region agnostic – even if you’re not from where we’re hosting, we want to see you and your technology!

TDRR: Tech, Drugs, and Rock n’ Roll2) TDRR: Tech, Drugs, and Rock n’ Roll
Tuesday, July 14, 4pm – 8pm
Metcalf Hall, George Sherman Union | 775 Commonwealth Avenue | Boston
Twitter: @OTDatBU

Tech, Drugs, and Rock n’ Roll (TDRR) is a networking event that started in 2010, which was designed to connect scientists and engineers with entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators. The event highlights emerging technologies from Boston University’s research programs in the fields of life sciences, physical sciences, medical technology, new ventures, and student-based ventures, with the additional presence of participating applied and translational research centers.

Talent Hackers Boston - Hacking the Diversity Challenge3) Talent Hackers Boston – Hacking the Diversity Challenge
Wednesday, July 15, 6pm-8pm
Microsoft New England R&D Center | 1 Memorial Drive | Cambridge

Join us for an open discussion on how we can start to prioritize diversity in our hiring & company culture.

How does having a diverse team impact my business goals?

What sourcing methods can I use to build a more diverse talent pipeline?

How can I attract a diverse pool of qualified candidates?

How can I create a more inclusive company culture?

These are just some of the topics that our panelists will be diving into as they share their own advice and experiences.


Anik Das, Talent Acquisition @ RaziLabs

Vinay Gidwaney, Cofounder @ Maxwell Health

Carlie Smith, Talent Manager @ OpenView Ventures

Jibran Malek, Marketing Manager @ MassChallenge

Kate Morgan, CEO @ Boston Human Capital Partners


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