Microsoft New England Picks: 4 Not-to-Miss Events This Week

| MSNE Staff

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June is just getting started! Here are our top picks for events this week!

mitentforumMIT Enterprise Forum Cambridge’s 2015 Startup Spotlight
Monday, June 15: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
@ Microsoft New England | 1 Memorial Drive | Cambridge, MA 
Twitter: @Mitefcmb | #StartupSpotlight

The Startup Spotlight brings together 400+ innovators, entrepreneurs, investors, corporate business development and business professionals for a unique, interactive and delicious networking event.

The audience will have the opportunity to vote for their favorites in three fun categories:

  • Company I Want to Have a Beer With
  • Most Likely to Develop a Cult Following
  • Future Unicorn

IDF 615Interaction Design Foundation Boston/Wakefield Mash-up Monthly 
Tuesday, June 16: 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
@ Microsoft New England | 1 Memorial Drive | Cambridge, MA
Twitter: @Interacting

The IxDF Boston/IxDF Wakefield is a small group that meets on a monthly basis at the New England Research & Development Center. 

The events are focused on getting seasoned and new UX designers together to share thoughts and experiences with designing great user experiences. Meetings take place to network, practice promoting yourself, and do a bit of learning! 

Each new member will be asked a challenging question to bring out the best in them and provide them some conversation pieces when meeting peer members!

biotechBig Data Gets Personal: Transforming Healthcare in the Age of Wearable Tech|
Tuesday, June 16: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
@ Microsoft New England | 1 Memorial Drive | Cambridge, MA
Twitter: @BioConBoston

From fitness bands to ingestible sensors, sensor tech has the potential to drastically change our daily lives. Well-known consumer technology companies, such as Fitbit and Jawbone help wearers keep track of their daily activity; sensors built into watches by Apple and Samsung can measure heart rate throughout the day; and pioneers in digestible sensors such as Proteus Digital Health are developing systems that can track health with metrics from within the body. Companies such as MC10 are pushing the limits of wearables by developing the Biostamp, a sensor that can measure temperature, movement, heart rate, and more within a device that is the size of two postage stamps. As these devices become more ubiquitous, the “connected human” will not only be able to monitor health metrics about him/herself in real-time, but also be able to share that data with healthcare professionals and other individuals. How will we adapt to this fast-approaching reality and what challenges remain to utilize this technology for improving human health?

scc_logo2_notext_smallComSciCon 2015: The national science communication leadership conference for graduate students
Thursday, June 18 – Saturday, June 20: 8:00 am – 9:00 pm
@ Microsoft New England | 1 Memorial Drive | Cambridge, MA

ComSciCon is the premier workshop on science communication for graduate students in science, technology, education, and mathematics (STEM) fields nationwide. Attendees convene discuss and develop innovative methods and programs focused on communicating cutting-edge research in STEM fields to broad and diverse audiences, beyond just practicing experts in the field.  Over the three days of the workshop program, attendees engage in interactive panel discussions, writing and peer review workshops, and poster sessions where they share and provide feedback on their experiences and ideas.

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