5 MORE DAYS ’til Spring! In the meantime, get inside for some awesome events. Here are three not to miss this week:
1) Boston New Technology March 2015 Product Showcase
Thursday, March 19, 6:00pm
Foley Hoag |155 Seaport Blvd | Boston
Twitter: @BostonNewTech #BNT51
Free event! Come learn about 7 innovative and exciting technology products and network with the Boston/Cambridge startup community! Each presenter gets 5 minutes for product demonstration and 5 minutes for Q&A. Please follow @BostonNewTech and use the #BNT51 hashtag in social media posts: details here.
2) Young Life Boston North Super Celebration
Friday, March 20, 5:00pm – 9:00pm
Microsoft New England
Twitter: @BostonYoungLife #YLSuperCelebration
The Boston North area Young Life is hosting a “Super Celebration” reception to spread awareness of our efforts to mentor teenagers in the cities of Cambridge and Somerville. We invite current and potential supporters to hear an update on our mission first-hand from volunteers and youth. Guests are given an opportunity to further our outreach through their financial donations. Refreshments will include desserts donated by local bakeries and restaurants. Come prepared to bid on some amazing silent auction items donated by local businesses.
The Super Celebration theme this year is #YLCaptureTheMoment. Young Life believes in coming alongside kids to help them capture what is truly important in life – relationships, spirituality, and emotional/physical health. Our leaders join teenagers in their moment-to-moment lives – from taking “selfies” to posting their thoughts on social media. As a participant at this year’s Super Celebration, Young Life offers you a chance to capture the moment in the mission. We invite you to experience a glimpse of what we see and celebrate everyday with adults and kids. Join us as we kick off our SuperBowl IX fundraising bowling tournament to raise funds to help leaders and kids embrace real moments that await and the joy that can be theirs in life.
Full agenda of speakers and panels here.
3) Boston Code Camp 23
Saturday, March 21, 8:00am – 6:30pm
Microsoft New England
Twitter: @BostonCodeCamp #boscc
ode Camp is a one day mini-conference.
Code Camp brings regional software development professionals together for the opportunity to immerse themselves in seminars, presentations, group exploration, and networking. Participants will be able to engage in their preferred technology, as well as to sample other options, with a focus on extending information exchange and enhancing the cross pollination of ideas.
See our web site for more details: www.bostoncodecamp.com