3 Not-To-Miss Events This Week at Microsoft New England

| MSNE Staff

via @tamraconteur: Award winners of @ODDChallenge @MSNewEngland. Congrats to all! #ODDevents #graphicscribe

With winter here and temps dropping, get inside for some awesome events! Here are three not to miss this week Microsoft New England:

Boston-PHP1) Boston PHP — 200 Days of Code: First 30 Days
Wednesday, January 12, 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Twitter: @bostonphp

During the first six months of 2015 we will be getting back to basics and focusing on PHP code development. Each Meetup will offer not one, but two presentations on specific PHP topics. One presentation will be for beginners and a simultaneous talk will focus on more advanced topics. You chose which presentation to attend.

For those members who choose not to participate in either of the presentations, we’ll provide a hack space for you to work on your own projects by yourself or in collaboration with other members.
To help provide structure to this enhanced focus on education, the topics will be selected from two books as follows:

~ PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites

~ PHP Advanced and Object-Oriented Programming

Our plan is to cover topics from two chapters per book at each month’s Meetup.

Read more about Boston PHP’s first 200 Days of Code event here.

MBAE2) Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education — Educating Your Future Workforce: A Forum for Employers
Thursday, January 15, 8:00am – 10:00am
Twitter: @MBAENews

The results are in and the evidence is clear: Massachusetts faces serious shortages of college graduates and skilled workers to fill open and future positions in key industries that sustain our economy and drive future growth. Even applicants who meet job description requirements often lack the real world skills required in today’s workplace. Importing talent from other states and nations won’t get us where we need to be. How can we fill the Massachusetts workforce pipeline with qualified candidates? This business forum will explore the challenges we face, the action that is needed, and the roles that our K-12 system, public colleges and universities, and the business community must play.

AIGA3) AIGA Boston — Experiencing the New: The unique power of experiences to accelerate understanding and build conviction
Thursday, January 15, 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Twitter: @aigaboston

How can you engage diverse stakeholders at each stage of an innovation process—from earliest stages of exploration through iterative discovery to launch and adoption?

Join us and Kim Erwin—Assistant Professor at the IIT Institute of Design and author of Communicating The New—to discuss the power we have as designers to not only convey ideas, but also to shape and improve them. Kim will introduce the Make-Model-Show-Share framework, a communication infrastructure for the innovation process.

Who should attend:
Thought leaders

See more at: http://boston.aiga.org/event/experiencing-the-new/

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