As we approach the two year anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombings, it is without a doubt that the city, and its people, are still feeling the effects of that devastating day.
In an effort to assist those affected by the bombings, The One Fund Boston, Massachusetts General Hospital and Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary announced the creation of the One Fund Center yesterday, a collaboration that will offer ongoing care to those impacted by the bombings.
“In addition to more traditional treatment methods, the One Fund Center will use newly developed technology to help patients suffering from tinnitus, an approach we hope will silence the invasive ringing sensation associated with this type of disorder,” says Daniel Polley, PhD, director of the Amelia Peabody Neuroplasticity Research Unit, Mass. Eye and Ear.
Microsoft New England is proud to support The One Fund with a donation of Surface Pro 2s to assist in research and care surrounding tinnitus. The Surface Pro 2s will help researchers as they develop auditory rehabilitation software that can be installed on mobile tablet devices used by survivors. Using an immersive gaming interface may help “reset” the pathological activity in certain brain areas that causes tinnitus, potentially eliminating many of the debilitating symptoms survivors may experience. The portability of the tablets enables patients to benefit from individualized rehabilitation strategies in the comfort of their own homes, rather than coming into the hospital for treatment.
Learn more about this project:
One Fund Boston Distributes Final Funds to Bombing Survivors
OneFund to distribute another $18.5m to bombing victims
Audio game may help soften tinnitus’s din
Learn more about Microsoft’s community programs, including the YouthSpark initiative in Boston.