Microsoft’s New England Research and Development, known to most as NERD, celebrated Boston Pride Week at Tuesday’s monthly employee mingle, Wind Down. NERD’s LGBT group, GLEAM hosted a fabulous and enthusiastic social hour with colorful decorations, pride spirit, adult beverages and mouth-wateringly delicious Toscanini’s ice cream. GLEAM, Gay & Lesbian Employees at Microsoft, started in the 1980’s and includes hundreds of members around the globe. The Northeast chapter is championed by Matt Feczko, a SharePoint Program Manager at NERD. At Tuesday’s Wind Down, Matt introduced his NERD colleagues to this weekend’s festivities, but words cannot adequately describe the experience that will be PRIDE 2012- you can march with us, too!
As Boston celebrates Pride week 2012 from June 1-10, Microsoft is proud to participate in the 42nd annual Pride Parade this Saturday, June 9th. The parade is rain or shine, but luckily for us Bostonians, the weather forecast is 70’s and sunny. Based on scientific calculations and basic fortune telling, 15,000 people are expected to partake in the event. The Microsoft GLEAM Team invites ANYONE and EVERYONE to participate with us. Come march, walk, dance, skip or hop with us from Copley Square to Government Center, where a giant festival will be materializing. Visit the Microsoft’s booth in the plaza to learn about open jobs and get cool free swag . ZipCar, Sheraton, AT&T, Eastern Bank, BudLight and Macy’s are just some of the corporations you’ll see displaying their pride this weekend.
Whether you are gay, straight, bisexual, transgender, asexual, or unsure, one thing is sure: YOU will be celebrated.
Bring your family, friends, partners, dogs and smiles to the intersection
of Dartmouth Street and Commonwealth Avenue at 11am. You know
that beautiful tree-lined path in the middle of Comm Ave?
That’s where we’ll be with free t-shirts, mesh bags, frisbees and hugs for you.
At 11:30 we’ll migrate to our starting location around Copley Square and get ready to celebrate. As you can imagine, this event is going to be overflowing with fun and entertainment. We look forward to celebrating YOU with YOU!

Questions? Email Matt Feczko at [email protected].
Can’t find us that morning? Call or text Matt at 646-450-4339.