A New Global Climate Agreement: How Technology Will Help Us Reach COP21’s Goals

COP21The agreement reached in Paris at COP21 sends a clear and unmistakable message—the world is committed to taking action to ensure a more sustainable future. Leaders from around the globe have come together in cooperation to create a framework that will help speed the transition to a more resource-efficient, low-carbon society.

This global commitment provides assurance and clear direction for not only national governments, but also for corporations around the world. It will help companies to move forward in  accelerating their low-carbon investments and helping to build a  low-carbon global economy.

The private sector has been working steadily to mobilize climate action and ambition in the weeks and months leading up to the Paris negotiations. Evidence of this can be seen in the multitude of climate pledges and coalitions  as businesses announced their support for more renewable energy, set ambitious goals on efficiency improvements and emissions reductions and developed innovative solutions to green their operations.

It is our hope and belief that this agreement will encourage even more organizations and industries to pursue carbon-neutral commitments, policies and initiatives. This will in turn accelerate a new wave of innovation as society continues to address the challenge of climate change through both policy and technology. Already, we are seeing the gains in efficiency made possible through deploying software, big data and machine learning in our own operations and with partners. We are energized by the opportunity and potential to continue and expand this work.

The Paris agreement is a truly historic new beginning for the world’s efforts to ensure a greener future for our planet. Advances in technology and innovation will be absolutely critical in moving us forward towards achieving the goals outlined in the agreement. We applaud the work done by so many in Paris, and we look forward to joining together in collaboration to achieve these goals and continue our efforts to create a more sustainable future for everyone.

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