This Week In Sustainability – Water Management and Jobs in Sustainability

| Josh Henretig

clip_image002This week, Environmental Leader posted an article discussing how many companies lack long-term water strategies. According to consulting firm KPMG, 60 percent of the world’s 250 largest companies have no strategy for long-term water use. Some industries are more prepared than others, including the mining industry and the pharmaceutical industry in which 100 percent and 98 percent, respectively, of the largest companies in those sectors report on water use. The report analyzed companies from 34 different countries and found that globally only 27 percent of the 250 companies say they are treating waste or contaminated water, while 44 percent outlined specific plans to reduce water use in corporate responsibility reporting. KPMG’s report is another reminder that water is a growing concern for companies as they strive to expand their environmental sustainability efforts.

Elsewhere in sustainability news, GreenBiz published a piece about careers in sustainability policy and how individuals can make a positive impact on the environment by working in the private sector. The story briefly cited Microsoft’s internal carbon fee as an example of “getting rid of bad rules and putting good ones in place.” We’re honored to be mentioned in the article but can point to countless other companies where people are making strides to make business more sustainable.

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