Big Shoulders: Hank Ostholthoff, CEO at Mabbly, Author of The Science of Story

| Adam J. Hecktman

Throughout human evolution, one of the oldest activities we have and continue to perform is storytelling. From cave art to oral traditions to the written word, storytelling has allowed tribes to convey their ideals, their history, and their ways of life from generation to generation to generation. It is a universal approach to ensuring that wisdom spreads from the few to the many.

If societies have been successful in communicating their stories in a manner that preserves their mores and values, what does it take for organization to use the same methods to ensure that their purpose survives changes in leadership, turnover, and the never-ending transformations of markets? Beyond survival of purpose, what kind of narrative approach can actually ignite that purpose? This is the science of story.

The Science of Story is a new book by the leaders of Mabbly. Mabbly is the digital agency that produces my Big Shoulders webcast, and Shelley’s Civic Chat. We have gotten to know this team well over the years, and if there is anyone who understands the power of purpose, it is this group of thoughtful and empathetic raconteurs. They interviewed over 500 companies to learn how a brand externally conveys the internal culture of their “tribe”. I hope you will join me as I speak with co-author Hank Ostholthoff about their new book.

Adam J. Hecktman

You may recognize Adam. He’s a regular on TV, you can hear him on the radio, he’s penned numerous articles and is the co-founder of the Chicago City Data Users Group. But some of Adam’s most important work is done behind the scenes in his role as Microsoft’s Director of Technology and Civic Engagement for Chicago. Tech giants, universities and government leaders turn to Adam for guidance on all matters technology, and he happily obliges, helping Chicago overcome challenges and capitalizing on new, exciting opportunities.