This week, as part of Computer Science Education Week, we are highlighting the personal side of Computer Science and STEM/STEAM. To do that, we’ve gathered some of Chicago’s best teachers in Computer Science to highlight the work that CS and STEM education does for our city. Our next blog, from Alison Thurner of Walt Disney Magnet Schools, explores the importance of coding for imaginative students.
As a teacher, when your students encounter something that engages them to the extent that they make a comment like the one above, you know you’ve found something magical. And coding is not just magical, it’s an incredibly advantageous skill set to have. By exposing their young minds to computer science and developing such a marketable skill set in this field, they are opened up to a world of possibilities as they move through high school, college and into their careers.
At Walt Disney Magnet School, our Hour of Code will take place during various times and dates during the week of December 8th. My classroom had decided to engage in an hour of coding a day, due to the immense enthusiasm of my students. We plan on engaging a variety of “plugged” and “unplugged” activities and have invited our administration to join our classroom in the enjoyment. We’re looking forward to plenty of camaraderie, critical-thinking and coding!
Alison Thurner is a 5th Grade Teacher at Walt Disney Magnet School.
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