The Best of Chicago at the 2014 Code for America Summit

| Adam J. Hecktman

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The Code for America Summit is THE annual convening for civic technology. This year’s summit (which took place in San Francisco in September) saw 800 government, tech, and civic engagement leaders from dozens of cities to talk about ways to make their cities work better.   Civic-minded technologists, designers, community organizers, and entrepreneurs heard best practices, discussed emerging ideas, and showcased the latest tools being used in this space.

Chicago was particularly well represented at the conference. From a new data hub for civic hacking, to civic organizing, to going beyond opening data, leaders from Chicago presented to accolades that many in this space are still talking about. But, if you are like me, you missed it.

Not to fear. Our civic leaders have agreed to hold a Best of Chicago at the CfA Summit session. The session will take place on October 15 at 6:00pm at the Microsoft Technology Center Chicago. To RSVP, please go to the meetup at:


  • Derek Eder of DataMade: – a new tool to search & download open data
  • Chris Whitaker of Code for America: Civic Organizing
  • Demond Drummer of Teamwork Englewood and Derek Eder: Civic Tech and the Large Lots program
  • Tom Schenk, Jr., the Chief Data Officer of the City of Chicago: What to do once you open your data

The Microsoft Technology Center Chicago:
The Aon Center
200 E. Randolph, 2nd floor
Chicago, IL 606061

We are proud of our Chicago CfA Summit speakers. Come hear them share their stories. Even if you attended, come share your highlights and reinforce the local connections made across the continent.

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Adam J. Hecktman

You may recognize Adam. He’s a regular on TV, you can hear him on the radio, he’s penned numerous articles and is the co-founder of the Chicago City Data Users Group. But some of Adam’s most important work is done behind the scenes in his role as Microsoft’s Director of Technology and Civic Engagement for Chicago. Tech giants, universities and government leaders turn to Adam for guidance on all matters technology, and he happily obliges, helping Chicago overcome challenges and capitalizing on new, exciting opportunities.