Tech Events This September


September 3 — Robotics Workshop

Your child will have fun with Lego Robots (Lego WeDo) while exploring the world of science, technology, and engineering in this workshop! Your child will learn basic robotics principles as they build LEGO creations and bring them to life using sensors and motors. Children ages 6 – 10 are welcome. Grades 1 to 5.

September 3 — Digital Storytelling Class

Have a story to tell using images and video? Want to learn how to scan photos or take new ones with digital cameras? Want to make videos that talk about you and/or what is important to you? Sign up for Alum Rock Library’s Digital Story Telling Class.

September 6 — Smart Mobility TECHMEETING Powered By The Open Innovation Club

Transportation has become both a challenge and an opportunity in the modern, smart city. Technology however has created an interconnected system, providing an opportunity for vehicles, travelers, and infrastructure to communicate with each other through various data streams and provide synergistic benefits.

September 7 — French Tech Hub Weekly Breakfast 

Join French Tech Hub every Wednesday to exchange news and help each other.

September 8 — Civic Hack Night

We hold Civic Hack Nights in downtown San Jose twice a month. Typical hack nights have the following structure:

6:30-6:45pm: Mingling, chatting, eating pizza

6:45pm-7pm: Introductions and updates

7pm-8:45pm: Work on projects in teams or as individuals

8:45pm-9pm: Share progress with group and wrap-up

We welcome new members! At your first meeting, we’ll take time to introduce you to the group and help you identify a project to work on.

Pizza will be provided. Bring your ideas, enthusiasm, and if you can, a laptop.

September 13 — Tiny Techs Club: RobotED

GameBOTS: Ready, Set, Play! Inspired by your favorite video and arcade games, these robots teach the fundamentals of mechanics like gears, levers, pulleys, cranks, and more. Game on!

September 14 — French Tech Hub Weekly Breakfast 

Join French Tech Hub every Wednesday to exchange news and help each other.

September 20 — Code for San Jose Forum at SPUR

Code for San Jose brings together volunteers who address local community issues using data, technology and creativity. Together they develop apps, visualizations and other tools to engage the community on local issues and connect residents to government. This forum will showcase their work to date, and will invite audience members to brainstorm the next big idea for them to tackle. Generously sponsored by Microsoft.

+ Erica Garaffo / City of San Jose
+ Michelle Thong / Code for San Jose; City of San Jose
+ Jessica Weare / Microsoft

September 20-22 — INNOVATE! and CELEBRATE Global Conference: Celebrating Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Innovate! and Celebrate 2016 is one of the most…well, CELEBRATED tech events of the year, where tech leaders intersect with cutting-edge startups, being held in San Jose, California. Join us as we take you on a journey filled with mentor sessions, workshops, coaching, celebrity judges, stellar keynotes and fireside chats industry panels and more. Oh, and we’ve thrown in a little fun with several networking events and excursions.

September 21 — French Tech Hub Weekly Breakfast 

Join French Tech Hub every Wednesday to exchange news and help each other.

September 21 — Tech.Co’s Startup of the Year Party

From January through July, we’ve been in search of the world’s best startups! From thousands we’ve selected the top 50 to come showcase on Wednesday, September 21st at the spectacular Glasshouse in San Jose, CA.

September 21 Working with the Digital Citizen to Catalyze the Digital Economy

On September 21st from 12:30-1:30 PM EDT, in collaboration with Meeting of the Minds, The World Bank’s Smart Cities KSB will convene “Working with the Digital Citizen to Catalyze the Digital Economy” at the World Bank in Washington, DC.

**Scott Mauvais will be speaking on Using Urban Data to Drive Efficiency, Transparency, and Economic Growth**

September 28 — French Tech Hub Weekly Breakfast 

Join French Tech Hub every Wednesday to exchange news and help each other.