Microsoft Accessibility Support Team – Frequently Asked Questions
In a previous post we announced the availability of the Microsoft Accessibility Support Team and the new customer support offering that provides a tailored experience for people with disabilities and customers using our accessibility features. We have had a number of questions about the new support team that we would like to provide better information on:
Where is this available?
The Support Desk for People with Disabilities and/or Assistive Technologies is available in North America from 5am to 9pm PST during the week, and 6am to 3pm on the weekends. English Language only.
Will it be rolling out in my market and in my language?
We’re passionate about supporting all our customers around the globe and being able to provide the same level of guidance. We will be rolling out Support Desks for People with Disabilities and/or Assistive Technologies over the next year. More information on these areas will be available as they near launch.
Will you support 3rd Party Assistive Technologies?
While our goal is to help all customers be successful with their software and devices, support on 3rd party technologies will continue to come from those partners directly. Microsoft will help you with those connections whenever possible.
Will this remain as a free service?
Currently there is no charge to use the accessibility service although this is subject to change. All support services are aligned to current product and service warranty terms and pricing.
Are you launching chat support?
Yes! We are. Chat is an important communication mechanism for support. Chat will be rolling out in the next few months.
If I’ve got feedback, what do I do with it?
Ongoing feedback is the key to improving this experience for people with disabilities over time! After a support call or email, Microsoft will contact you with a short survey to capture your feedback; allowing us to continue learning and growing this support environment. In addition, customers can provide feedback at any time by completing this survey.
For more information on all of our support options: