What’s Next for 3-D printing?

Back I February I posed the question Are Physibles the next download revolution? and noted how excited I am about the future with 3-D printing, especially with devices such as the Cubify Cube printer costing $1,300.

As always with technology, things move on quickly and WIRED recently took a look at the next generation of 3-D printers that increase the resolution significantly. Their post details Light-Based 3-D Printer Kits that utilize stereolithography to product much higher resolution output.

I’ve seen CNC mills in the Microsoft Hardware model shop but maybe I’ll have one in my house soon if then Mini CNC Mills that WIRED featured go more mainstream – the one you seen in the video above is the Imodela from Roland. Food printers and medical printers round out the collection of hardware that is covered – it’s well worth a look.