A Year in the Like with Microsoft on Facebook

Everyone is now pretty familiar with Facebook Timeline – a few weeks back our team who manages the Microsoft Facebook page upgraded the page to Timeline format and worked with our archives team to add some great old imagery. A personal favorite of mine is the aerial view of the first four buildings on the Microsoft Redmond campus (photo courtesy of SkyView Aerial).

Another favorite is this box shot for Encarta v 1.0 from 1993 – it reminds me of some similar boxes for todays software and shows how far ahead of its time Encarta was in many ways.


At the same time as launching the new Timeline page, the team launched a new social experience called A Year In The Likewhich gives you a give people a beautiful recap of your photos, status updates, and check-ins from the last year, all presented through the perspective of the comments from your Facebook friends. Give it a try at www.ayearinthelike.com
