Code for America Summit & Microsoft’s Commitment to Creating Smarter Cities

| MSFT Chicago Staff

@MSFTChicago’s Adam Hecktman speaking at #cfasummit

This week, our Microsoft Technology & Civic Engagement teams across the country are attending (and tweeting!) from Code for America’s #cfasummit in Oakland. What’s our mission for being a part of the civic tech movement? To help create smarter cities.

“We’re excited about the convening power that Code for America brings, and the best practices that are emerging from these brigades swarming around problems, and then sharing those results,” says Dan’l Lewin, Microsoft corporate vice president for Technology and Civic Engagement.

Microsoft is in the midst of an exciting mix of civic tech partnerships right now. With global nonprofit DataKind, we are supporting the Vision Zero movement to improve traffic safety. Another project is UI LABS’ City Digital, a Chicago-based consortium that will use the city itself as a test bed for new technology to solve urban problems.

You can tune in to #cfasummit via their livestream today here, but in the meantime, read this full story about why Microsoft is committed to redesigning the interaction and delivery of service between government agencies and the customers they serve, as well as our civic tech partnerships.

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